Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Mark Twain said that  The secret of getting ahead is to getting started .

In my last entry I had written about giving wings to your dreams. I guess somewhere buried deep within us lies our passion. Smothered and suffocated but when we answer our calling, it sees the bright daylight . In that one minute ,we witness one of the most magical moment. It is similar to the transformation of a larva into a beautiful butterfly which has brilliant colours in its wings .

While I was writing the last article I was doing my own soul searching .My life too had paradoxically become an act of circus. Juggling a career, home….putting up with individuals who sapped out my patience as well as my energy. I at times felt as if something was screaming within me, the screams would become even more louder and clear at night when I would retire to bed. Those screams would even put a banshee to shame . Hey by the way I am not diagnosed for borderline Alzheimer’s. Lost in me somewhere was my passion for writing which was screaming for my attention.

I vividly remember doing some scribble dribble when I was in class 4. When I entered high school my school headmistress inspired me to write .Write , I did ,some of my poems even got published in the leading newspapers. My love affair with words continued further, my poems even got me many accolades when I had entered many poetry writing competitions. As I completed my schooling something tragic occurred, my tryst with the poetess in me came to an end.

Time flew by quickly, as if it was a bird which had spread its wings in the vast blue sky.I suddenly realised, my time had arrived I had to follow my calling and I braved and picked up my pen …..Oh! those moments where so torturous, I was uncertain whether the words and sentences would love me , as passionately I loved them. Just like a person in love who was in a hot pursuit of his beloved , I started by writing a line or two initially. Slowly I did start writing, just like a dense morning fog giving away to bright sunshine , everything became very clear. I realised that I was destined to write. This reminds me of a poem by Wes Beavis, one of the most celebrated author of the best selling book” Become The Person You Dream of Being.” The poem is titled I Have Decided.

 I Have Decided

To do something
My plans may be grand
Or just barely stand
I may help the planet
Or just one person on it
I may be a success
Or learn from my mess
But I have decided
To do something
I have decided

To do something
I may run with the breeze
Or crawl on my knees
I may be applauded
Or go unrewarded
I’ll do all that it takes
And I’ll make mistakes
But I have decided
To do something

Today I am confident that I am not chasing a mirage, I know that I have finally arrived after lots of trials and tribulation. My new found freedom lies unfolded in front of me. My flow of thoughts and writing are in sync and they come to me as if I was the Piped Piper.

They say that A Dream will draw water from an empty well . My dreams were successful in awakening me from my deep slumber. But have you given enough time for yourself ? Do it before time runs out.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The New Beginning For Becoming The New You

Products, technologies, gadgets are upgraded time and again, their latest versions are readily available in the market. The aim of the companies is to attract the buyers attention and offer something unique and in return garner their loyalty. They want to create a win-win situation .But when was the last time we have done the same with ourselves.

It is indeed a great challenge to find people who claim that they have come in touch with their real selfs. Many individuals who are leading lifestyle’s ordinaries or extraordinaire filled with opulence and materialistic bling , but still awaiting for of the missing bit of puzzle which will complete the jig-saw puzzle. They are constantly haunted by the feeling of being incomplete it is because they have forgotten how to love their own self …….Love thyself ! .

When was the last time you took a vacation? A year ago, or in the last 3 or 6 months. Vacations have always helped us to bond better with our loved ones it also renews the lost zeal and zing in our life. Also, aids in connecting with the child within us. The photographs taken during these vacations always reminds us of the good times we spent with our family and friends. Also the great time we had reconnecting with our self.

We are all actors in our everyday life. We play various roles. At home some of us are a loving wife/ mother or a husband/ father. In office we become the commanding boss. In evening on returning home we laugh and share jokes with family and friends.
At times we are so caught up with our act that we forget to remove the make up. Till we forget who we really are.

Have you ever ventured alone on a vacation seeking great adventures? Well let me complete what I have just started sharing, you might say that you have gone on innumerable trips and vacations where you have been the lone traveller. But, have you ever taken the inward journey within yourself? Have you ever recently had enough time to analyse the different thoughts that run in your mind? When was the last time you heard your inner voice? Well they anyways wither and die .Since we are constantly on a road runner mode and it becomes difficult to catch up with it .

Embark on this journey once in a while it will give you answers to your questions. It is easier to perform on the mental plane .When we work on physical plane we are limited by our body, but on the mental plane the scope is unlimited. The whole universe is there to back us. If only we were to switch over and pay attention to our thoughts.

‘Life without thought and desire is like driving in a fog ‘.When you get an answer to this question, a unification of thought, spirit, mind and word is attained. It helps us to come to terms in discovering our real selves.

Let go off yourself and indulge in your desire. Human beings are more fulfilled when they can use their creative abilities. Bringing into existence something which was non existent. Challenge yourself to do something new and say ‘Hello!’ to the new you.
If you want to pick up a hobby but aren’t sure , pick up a book on it. Congratulations! you are a step closer realising your thoughts and dreams.

This also aids in creating a greater flow of relationships, spiritual strength, business success, happiness in your marriage . Remember that the stability of our inner world is directly related to the stability of our outer world.

Always make a conscious effort to become who you are inside and cultivate your dreams. So love yourself because the more you love yourself the more empowered you will feel and will finally arrive at being what you desire to be.